The Appointment: What to Know
In-Person and BlueJeans appointments are 30 minutes and asynchronous appointments are 45 minutes. If you need to cancel an appointment or if you're going to be late to an appointment, please email us at Our Center Assistants can cancel or reschedule your appointment. All appointments are free—however, we have limited resources for serving the many students across campus.
Resources for Non-Native Speakers
We are able to help students with English Language communication skills in both academic writing and general conversation. Any of our consultants can work with non-native speakers but several of them have specific training to assist English Language Learners and multilingual students--see the "Our Staff" page. Additionally, take a look at the Language Institute's resource page for ELL academic writing.
Reserving Rehearsal Rooms
When the Communication Center is open, rehearsal rooms can be reserved at our front desk, by phone, or by email for use for presentation or interview practice. At all other times, the rehearsal rooms can be reserved through Georgia Tech's Reservation System.